Get Paid for Your Gaming Knowledge with Online Courses

Share your gaming expertise with students worldwide and earn income passively through professionally branded online courses.

Rainbow 6 SiegeCall of duty Modern WarfareValorantCS:GOApex LegendsFortniteFortniteFortnite

Turn Your Knowledge into Passive Income

Creating profitable online courses from scratch is extremely difficult and time-consuming. With Coachable, you can quickly turn your gaming expertise into professional, results-driven courses that attract students and generate passive income for you.

A Complete Course Creation Solution

Intuitive Course Builder

Our drag-and-drop course builder makes it easy to turn your knowledge into polished, professional courses—no design or tech skills required.

Marketing & Analytics

Promote your courses with pre-made templates and track performance with built-in analytics to maximize sales.

Sell Your Way

Publish your courses and sell directly to your audience on your own terms. No marketplace requirements or fees - you keep 100% of revenue.

We've helped Creators and Coaches become Entrepreneurs

We understand how challenging it is to create an online course from scratch and turn your gaming passion into a business. With countless hours needed and specialized skills required, it's incredibly difficult to do on your own.

We've helped many creators overcome these hurdles and establish successful teaching businesses. Our all-in-one platform provides an easy solution so you can focus on sharing knowledge, not technical complexities.

Here’s How it Works

Step 1: Outline Your Course

First, organize your expertise into a complete course outline. Break down key concepts and skills into lessons.

Step 2: Create Lessons

Use our custom lesson builder to turn your outline into polished, professional lessons full of engaging content.

Step 3: Publish & Promote

Finally, publish your finished course and promote it to your audience. We provide the tools to attract students and start generating sales!

Powerful Course Creation Features

Create engaging, effective courses with these robust creation tools:

Drag-and-drop course builder

Multimedia content embedding

Quizzes and assignments

Mobile app included

Frequently Asked Questions